It has been amazing how God gave me friends at college that I know will be some of my best friends for the rest of my life. One of them is my friend Jen Neuenschwander. We were roommates our freshman year at Northland. Since then, she has gotten married and has a beautiful daughter. This is a picture of Jen and Brian's daughter Zoey. She was born October 12th, the day after I started my job here at Mauldin Middle. I have only seen Zoey once and that was in December. I have tried to keep up with her as I can. It helps to have blogs to catch recent news and pics. The picture at the top is the newest picture that has been posted on Jen's blog. I love it. I can't wait to see her in Aug

ust. Jen and I are like family so I get to be Aunt Eunice to my neice Zoey. I also am Aunt Eunice to my nephew Ethan. Ethan Pershall is the son of my other best friend, Sarah Pershall. His picture is to the right. Jen and Sarah are cousins. They and their families live in Waukesha, WI. We have all been the best of friends since college. God is so good to have blessed me with such an amazing frienship. They challenge me spiritually, keep me accountable, accept me exactly the way I am, and thrive on the incredible fun that we have together. I love them both dearly as well as their husbands and children. Their husbands have also been great friends. All five of us look forward to the great times we can have together as often as we can. Our visits are fewer and farther between since I moved home from college in WI. We hope that I can come to see them at least once a year. So much happens in that time, and I am a loyal aunt who likes to keep up on her nieces and nephews. God has been so good to us because we don't deserve such grace.
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