March 30th I fly from Charlotte, NC to Green Bay, WI to spend my spring break visiting my wonderful alma mater, Northland Baptist Bible College. When I fly into Green Bay, I was able to spend some time with my cousin, Tim. Andrea's extension group drove through Gbay on their way to Plainfield, WI. Andrea and I enjoyed getting to see Tim and spend a little bit of time with him.

Every weekend, a group of about 6 people drive about 3 hrs. from college to Plainfield, WI to be part of the First Baptist Church of Plainfield. I had heard so many exciting things about the people at the church and what God is doing there. I decided to take off school on Friday so I could get to WI in order to be picked up by her team and spend the weekend with them. The couple above with Andrea were just saved about a month ago. I could tell by their conversation and fruit that they truly were changed.

Here is Cameron, the pastor's son, standing next to his house and in front of the church.

Besides seeing old friends and being at Nortland for Missions Conference, it was so cool to see all the changes that they have been able to make around campus. Over Nland's spring break, they were able to have The Commons read decorated. It's so neat.

Wednesday night I was able to visit Norway Baptist Church were I was a charter member before I moved home from Nland in 2005. It was so much fun to see people in the church who were there from the beginning. It was especially exciting to see the community people who have been faithful and growing.

My wonderful cousin, Genny, started attending Nland just this semester. She has loved it and is growing so much. It was fun to be able to hang out with her and meet her friend, Jacob.

There were so many people I got to see. Some of them I was able to get a picture of or with. Cheese (Brent Tipton) was one of them who I really wanted to get a picture with. I thought I had missed my chance. Then we saw him in a gas station this last weekend as his extension team stopped there, and Andrea's extension team was on their way to take me to Green Bay. Cheese was one of my favorite workers when I was the supervisor of the Nland Dish Pit during Grad School. There were so many other people I would love to mention and display pictures of. I loved my time there and God did amazing things in my life. I was hoping that spring break would be a refreshing time for me. I stayed with my friend, Ellen (who is the Dorm Supervisor), and we were able to pray every night for God to really do a work in our hearts and give us wisdom about what He has for us in the future. He answered our prayers. More to come on that later. We are still in prayer about that, but God is definitely at work.

Here are Sarah and John Fieck, the team leaders for the Plainfield Extension Team. They were able to drive me back down to Gbay on Friday evening. I stayed with my senior year roommate, Emily Brown. It was great to see her again. It was also fun to talk about wedding stuff since she is getting married June 7th.

We did have a little bit of snow and lots of wind while I was up there. At my layover in Detroit, they had to de-ice the plane before we took off since it had been snowing when we came in. I thank God that He blessed me with such a wonderful time away.
Labels: northland, spring break