EdVenture Children's Museum
Home of the World's Largest Child
Wednesday, September 27 our Special Education classes took a field trip to Columbia, SC to visit the South's largest children's museum, EdVenture. I was so fascinated with it, especially with Eddie. Eddie is 40-feet tall, weighs 35,000 pounds and is only 10 years old. In the back of him you can climb and slide through him to see what's inside your body. You can see the brain, stomach, heart, and other internal organs and body parts.

The kids and teacher's alike had such a great time there.

There was a section called World of Work. There were all kinds of different stations with hands-on activities for different occupations. Here is Amanda trying on a fireman's outfit. They had a firetruck there for kids to get inside and pretend to be driving it.
Alan and Ally are trying their hand at cleaning teeth.
There was also an area called BodyWorks. There were all kinds of cool hands-on things that dealt with the body. Miss Perry and Mrs. Lancaster are having fun playing Operation.

Wednesday, September 27 our Special Education classes took a field trip to Columbia, SC to visit the South's largest children's museum, EdVenture. I was so fascinated with it, especially with Eddie. Eddie is 40-feet tall, weighs 35,000 pounds and is only 10 years old. In the back of him you can climb and slide through him to see what's inside your body. You can see the brain, stomach, heart, and other internal organs and body parts.

The kids and teacher's alike had such a great time there.

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