February 1st we had our "big storm." We had about an 1 1/2 to 2 inches of snow and lots of ice and slush. School was closed for a day and then a 2 hr delay in the morning on Friday. It was nice to have a day off. And for you northerners, southern storms are so dangerous because it usually is an ice storm and it is dangerous to drive in ice. Also, an ice storm can put thousands of people out of power for days and even more than a week. This time were were blessed to just have the beauty of this light covering and a day off school. It rained most of the day so it just was nice to say inside where it was warm.

The poor daffodils by our mailbox have started to bloom. They are all confused. The buds got caught in the snow and they still haven't blossomed. Some daffodils in the neighborhoods around us have though. Some trees bloomed a month or so ago when we had some warm spells.
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